Creating Enhanced eBooks - EditionGuard

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Creating Enhanced eBooks

Mitch Woodhead

November 10, 2014

Enhanced eBooks are eBooks that provide more engagement for the reader. Adding interactivity to your eBooks can make them more enticing to readers and provide a richer experience overall; recently To Kill a Mockingbird was released as an enhanced eBook, and the preorders were record-breaking. There are a number of occasions when enhanced eBooks are recommended:
  • Historical accounts. When studying history, it can be invaluable to be able to listen to or watch important speeches embedded in the reading.
  • How-tos. From cooking to painting, instructional videos that accompany the text can be very beneficial to the reader.
  • Business. Linking to company websites or stock tickers related to a business discussed in a book can provide a more in-depth experience.
Can Fiction Be Successfully Enhanced? Many question the benefit of enhancing fiction eBooks, but we believe enhanced eBooks offer indie authors a way to provide a more engaging and memorable experience for their readers. How can indie authors create worthy enhancements? Try these ideas:
  • Create a link to have a SoundCloud album play during specific scenes.
  • Create quotables that readers can click to tweet while reading, that include a buy link for the eBook.
  • Create a link for readers to submit their ideas for casting the movie version of your eBook’s characters.
  • Include video messaging from the author at the end of the eBook.
There are a number of ways to make enhanced eBooks work for fiction. Share your ideas about enhanced eBooks with us on Facebook.

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