Digging Deeper into eBook Pricing Strategy - EditionGuard

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Digging Deeper into eBook Pricing Strategy

Mitch Woodhead

August 27, 2014

The simple fact is that because there is no measurable overhead cost to eBook publishing, prices for eBooks must be lower than prices for print books. That doesn’t mean you can’t make money on eBooks; in fact, indie eBook authors are making quite a bit of money. You can make even more money on your eBooks if you choose to publish them and sell them on your own website using EditionGuard. The cost of doing so is minimal, and you get to keep all of the sales – not just 35% or 70%. The real challenge is finding the perfect selling price for your eBook. It’s more art than science, but there are certain factors to consider: how many eBooks you’ve published, what genre your eBook is in, and whether it is fiction or non-fiction.

Author Experience and eBook Pricing Strategy

It’s not surprising that Stephen King can put out a new eBook (or print book) and people will pay whatever the price asked. He is a well-established, every-book’s-a-hit kind of author. If you’re not Stephen King, it’s likely you’ll have to work a little harder. If you’re a new eBook author, your first eBook price should be between 99 cents and 2.99, depending on length and content. More than that, and people simply won’t be willing to take the chance.

Genre and eBook Pricing Strategy

Some genres are more popular than others. Mystery/Thriller, Science Fiction/Fantasy, and Romance account for 70% of all eBook sales, according to the Author Earnings Report. It stands to reason, then, that these genres can demand more than less popular genres for the same size eBooks, even from newer authors.

Fiction vs. Non-Fiction eBook Pricing Strategy

Non-fiction sells more than fiction, so if you’re an expert writing about something even a small group needs to know, you can often demand higher prices than the standard fair, even as a first-time author. Non-fiction readers can be an excellent target because they are looking less for author recognition and more for the topic. Pricing your eBook may require a bit of experimentation, but one thing is certain: the indie author is here to stay.

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