Do You Want to Be an Indie Author? - EditionGuard

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Do You Want to Be an Indie Author?

Mitch Woodhead

July 9, 2013

Getting started as a self-publishing indie author is as easy for some writers as just opening up the laptop and starting to type. For others, there is more that must go into the process of creating an ebook. Over the next few posts, we’ll try to address some of the most common questions. Today, we’ll focus on choosing a topic and a title that sells. Millions of ebooks are being published, but a relatively small percentage of them really rise to the top. As you have probably seen from the success of Fifty Shades of Grey, adult erotic fiction is certainly taking center stage right now. But there are many other genres in which an ebook can be very successful. Self Help From teaching people how to better handle finances to helping people cope with the stresses of life, offering your guidance and experience in an area with which you have experience can help you create an ebook that not only resonates with readers but also fills a gap in available reading material. Technical and Other Problem-Solving Books If you look up how to do something online, there should be an ebook for it. Whether it’s how to market your business on Facebook or how to create a container garden for your condo, people love ebooks that give them the instructions and information they need to do something they’ve always needed or wanted to know. Tell a Story Whether fiction or true to life, people love to read stories. Genres like true crime, romance and fantasy/adventure do well, but one of the fastest-growing genres for ebooks is children’s literature, so don’t be afraid to try your hand at it. In our next post, we’ll discuss how to title your ebook effectively.

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