Don’t Wait for the Perfect eBook - EditionGuard

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Don’t Wait for the Perfect eBook

Mitch Woodhead

January 5, 2016

workers-408998_960_720Every author wants to create the perfect eBook, and when writing an eBook, you want to put forward something that is well-planned and polished. We absolutely agree that quality is crucial, and you should always make editing and proofreading – and even more editing and proofreading – a high priority. But you don’t want to get caught in a vicious cycle of perfectionism in which you second-guess every sentence and never actually publish anything. Do your best, but don’t expect the perfect eBook. If you do, your eBook will never hit the shelves. Moving Past the First Draft The first draft is the hardest, and new writers often get stuck in those initial stages while trying to create the perfect eBook. But a brilliant idea can easily get lost in the worries over grammar, punctuation, or the perfect chapter outline. The reality is, your first draft is not even close to the finished product that you’ll eventually sell. Once you accept that the first few drafts are going to be rough around the edges, the eBook writing process will go more smoothly. Allowing Change to Happen What you write during the first round will ultimately change, and the sooner you embrace the fact that change is a part of writing an eBook that approaches perfect, the better off you’ll be. The first draft of your eBook will be cut, pasted, moved, edited, and rewritten. As you write, components that you couldn’t imagine leaving out will suddenly be tossed aside to make space for new ideas that flow from your writing. Being too rigid during the writing process will throw off your creative thinking, so recognize that the writing process is messy. There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect eBook Once your writing is complete, it’s still unfair to expect perfection from your finished product. Editing too much can potentially wreck a well-formed idea, and you might again find yourself going in circles regarding chapter order or word choice. While you certainly don’t want glaring errors, the reader may never notice the sentence or two that you’ve been agonizing over. When ready to officially self-publish your eBook, it should be a moment of pride. The cover may not be exactly what you imagined months ago, and the eBook might be a little longer than you had initially wanted. While it may not be the perfect eBook, it is something that you created with passion and invested in with time, money, and energy.

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