DRM Protects eBooks from Unauthorized Copying - EditionGuard

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DRM Protects eBooks from Unauthorized Copying

Mitch Woodhead

October 24, 2014

It can be the most frustrating experience: you write an eBook, you make it available for sale, and as you Google yourself to see how you're rising in rank, you discover someone has uploaded your eBook for free to anyone who comes to their site. It happens more often than anyone would like to believe - to the point where it could be come a full-time job for more popular authors to stay on top of.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) Is the Indie Author's Solution

DRM protects eBooks from unauthorized copying and distribution and it is almost a prerequisite to selling eBooks. Smaller eBook publishers and independent authors struggle to afford the cost of DRM. It can cost a lot of money and be a nightmare technically to install. The license alone for the DRM system used with Adobe Content Server is in the tens of thousands of dollars.

EditionGuard Exists to Level the Playing Field for Small Publishers and Indie Authors

EditionGuard is a web-based DRM service. It makes it possible for small publishers and indie authors to sell eBooks on their own websites. EditionGuard protects your eBooks with Adobe Content Server 4 DRM, so you don't have to worry about piracy and unauthorized distribution.  Instead of paying for thousands of dollars in license fees, you simply pay one monthly fee. Right now, you can get a free 30-day trial of EditionGuard services - no credit card required.

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