Drop eBook Prices to Make More Money - EditionGuard

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Drop eBook Prices to Make More Money

Mitch Woodhead

October 29, 2015

eBook salesIt seems counterintuitive, but if you want to sell more eBooks, you may want to drop eBook prices. Lower eBook prices might actually be the quickest way to make more money, at least for indie authors. While publishers continue to raise prices and see significant drops in sales, indie authors who keep their prices lower are selling nearly twice as many eBooks. For example, when one author who sells his eBook at $5.00 each, he sells approximately 50 eBooks per month, making $250. However, when he lowers the price to $2.99, he sells 120 per month, making almost $360. Selling for less makes you more. We've discussed eBook pricing before, and the newest information still supports what we've said before: since you're not paying for printing, binding, and shipping, the price can be justifiably lower and still profitable. New authors and authors using a published eBook to promote a new eBook may want lower prices than an indie author with a single title, but even then, keeping the price under $9.99 seems to work best. Our insight tells us that pricing under $5 typically has the biggest impact on overall profit, and it's conceivable that most eBooks may benefit from pricing at $4.99 or less. Certain eBooks, with extensive graphics, research, or interactivity, may earn a higher price. We would love to know how your pricing has impacted your sales. Comment below to share your thoughts.

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