eBook Advice from the Experts - EditionGuard

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eBook Advice from the Experts

Mitch Woodhead

April 23, 2015

Looking for advice on selling, writing, marketing, and pricing your eBooks? We've gathered expert advice from around the web to help. Derek Murphy: Format your eBook the right way. Murphy offers great formatting tips for eBook authors, including this valuable advice: "The easiest way to make an ebook is to start by setting up your Word file the right way. Use line-indents, not tabs. Use the “heading1” style for all chapter titles, and check that a TOC is being made automatically. Set a new paragraph style for non-indents on the first chapter." Ali Luke: Write what you know and love. "Choose a topic that (a) you already know a lot about and (b) you’ll enjoy writing about. This saves you doing lots of research just to get up to speed, and it substantially increases the chance that you’ll see your ebook through to a final draft." Read more advice from Ali. Jane Friedman offers an introductory guide to self-publishing, noting that "The first and most important thing to understand about e-publishing retailers and distributors is that they are not publishers. That means they take no responsibility for the quality of your work, but neither do they take any rights to your work." Read more and download her self-publishing guide. Seth Godin and Tom Peters: Give away your first eBook for free. In this video, Seth Godin advises giving away eBooks to gain readers. https://vimeo.com/60438274 What advice would you add? Who do you turn to for eBook publishing guidance?

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