eBook Length: Does It Matter? - EditionGuard

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eBook Length: Does It Matter?

Mitch Woodhead

April 6, 2015

Achieving the correct eBook length can be challenging for the novice indie author, but it's really not about the length. It really must be about the quality first. The Future of Ink offers these guidelines: "The average nonfiction book, if such a thing exists, runs about 50,000 to 75,000 words, but this can vary depending upon category. Biographies, for example, can run 200,000 words. How-tos or self-help usually have 40-50,000 words. The average adult novel runs approximately 100,000 words while those in other categories run 80-120,000 words." But while those word counts offer an excellent starting point, focusing on quality is the most critical aspect of ensuring a successful publication. How to Ensure the Quality of Your eBook The best way to ensure quality as well as the best word count is to hire a professional eBook editor who has experience taking the creative effort and improving it. Hiring an editor is one of the best investments you can make in your eBook. Read our additional resources on the subject: Do you need #proofreading and #editing for #ebook publishing? How to Find a Good Editor for Your eBook Writing Well The length of your eBook may matter, but if it's poorly written, it won't matter how short it is; it will not sell well and it will likely get poor reviews. Make the effort to edit your eBook before you publish.

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