From thwarting eBook pirates to using eBooks to improve your business, here’s the eBook news from around the web that you need to know.
eBook news from around the web:
European commission to investigate Amazon's ebook dominance
The European commission has launched a competition inquiry into Amazon’s dominant market position in ebooks, as Brussels steps up its scrutiny of US tech groups. The EU’s executive branch is looking at clauses in contracts between Amazon and publishing houses that restrict publishers from offering better terms to the online retailer’s competitors. The clauses sometimes require publishers to disclose to Amazon the terms offered to rival retailers.
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3 Ways Ebooks Could Help Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy
Ebooks are especially "fat", expected to grow from
$2.31 billion in 2011 to $8.69 billion in 2018. With self-published ebooks comprising 32% of Amazon's daily ebook sales at the end of the quarter ending October 2, 2014, marketers should be taking advantage of this type of content marketing.
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Publishers win landmark case against eBook pirates
British publishers have won their first ever blocking order against pirate ebook sites, as the battle over online copyright spreads beyond music and film.
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Are eBooks the Ultimate Lead Generation Tool?
To generate leads from your eBook, you need to make it valuable. So valuable that visitors to your site won’t blink twice about exchanging their contact details for it. A valuable eBook is comprehensive and resonates with your buyer personas — ideally solving a problem that they have. Your eBook shouldn’t act as a marketing tool. In fact, you should probably only refer to your brand once or twice throughout the entire copy, if that.
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