eBook Pricing Revisited Again - EditionGuard

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eBook Pricing Revisited Again

Mitch Woodhead

August 1, 2014

We have been talking about eBook pricing and the challenges it presents to indie authors. In this post, we’ll discuss how certain factors can impact eBook pricing. eBook Length Readers are likely to be willing to pay slightly more for a 400-page fiction eBook than they are for a 30-page how-to eBook. In a way, page count does impact your sales price. However, if your 30-page how-to eBook is something everyone wants to read, you may be able to demand more. Alternatively, if your 400-page eBook is long because it’s never been through an editing process, you may have issues getting the price you want. New Indie Authors If you are a new indie author trying to sell your first eBook, you may want to offer the eBook at a lower price to incentivize people to take a chance on you. While too low a price can devalue your eBook, you can offer specials, advanced review copies and other incentives to help get the eBook noticed. eBook Purpose If you are using your eBook as a lead generator – a way to capture contact information from people to add them to your email list – then selling your eBook for a lower price (or giving it away for free) may benefit you. Loss Leader If you are planning to publish a second eBook, dropping the price on the first eBook can be a smart marketing move to help you get buyers to grab both eBooks. Have you experimented with eBook pricing? What do you think the optimal price is for your eBook?

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