eBook Trends: Western Fiction - EditionGuard

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eBook Trends: Western Fiction

Mitch Woodhead

September 6, 2015

cowboy-757575_1280As we explore the most popular eBook trends, Western fiction must be mentioned. While it doesn't have the same popularity as some of the other categories, there is always a demand for great cowboy fiction, with heroes who are larger than life. There are a number of differences between today's Western fiction and the Western fiction of Louis L'Amour and Zane Grey:
  • Readers expect a more sensitive treatment to the Native American point of view
  • While the 7-foot tall glass of water hero still works, cowboys with flaws can be more endearing
  • Women in today's Western fiction are more likely to play the leading role
  • Western fiction can often be combined with other forms of fiction, like zombie fiction or romantic fiction
How to Write Great Western Fiction Do your research. Western fiction readers often know the history and characters well enough to catch you if you get lazy. Historical accuracy matters. Develop a solid plot, but don't skimp on the action. Your plot needs to be solid and have plenty of momentum, but Western fiction is marked by gunfights, survival, saloons, and trains ...  and a lead character whose MacGyver-style ability to innovate is often featured. Justice is the overriding theme. For most traditional Western fiction, justice rules the day, and when justice doesn't rule, the lead character changes the rules so that justice wins. The lead character, regardless of flaws, should be fair in his treatment of others and rigid about fairness. Dialogue matters.  One of the biggest challenges is creating authentic dialogue in Western fiction. To improve your ability, read as much as you can - everything from Mark Twain and Louis L'Amour to C.J. Box. There are fewer writers tackling the Western fiction genre, making it perhaps an easier genre to break in to. Be sure to check out our other eBook trends: Zombie Lit Romantic fiction Crime fiction Fantasy fiction Mystery and detective fiction Vampire lit Science fiction   Image credit

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