eBook Writing: Better Writing = Better Selling - EditionGuard

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eBook Writing: Better Writing = Better Selling

Mitch Woodhead

May 21, 2014

While it’s not always true that better writing leads to better selling, in most cases, the effort you put into your writing will pay off in terms of loyal fans and readers who evangelize about your eBook. There are three areas in which you can make improvements to fiction eBooks that can help ensure better sales: pacing, character development and detail. Pacing: Taking Your Story from Boring to Engaging Pacing your story means dispersing character and scenic details in big enough quantities to keep readers interested, but in small enough quantities to keep them captivated. It takes practice, effort and a willingness to rewrite, as you begin to recognize the balance between “share this now” and “tease this for later.” Character Development You notice the lack of character development in movies all the time, and you can perceive the same thing in books, too. Two-dimensional characters rarely pique anyone’s interest. Give your characters detail. By the end of your eBook, your reader should KNOW your characters – what they look like, how they talk, where they grew up and even what some of the skeletons are in their closets. Detail and Design We touched on this in the last post: Bring your story out of the snooze zone by using action. Choose active language. Instead of describing how a character does something, just have them do it. Mark Twain said it best: Don’t say, “The old lady screamed.” Bring her on and let her scream.

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