eBooks: Keep It Simple - EditionGuard

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eBooks: Keep It Simple

Mitch Woodhead

March 2, 2016

ebooks are the futureWith all the different devices available for reading digital media, your eBook could conceivably be read in several different font sizes and on a variety of tablets, laptops, and phones, and the format in which eBooks are displayed on the latest technology breaks down even further depending on the app being used. Improper eBook formatting for a given device could ruin the experience for the reader, so the best way to ensure every reader has a good experience is to keep it simple. Stick to Common Fonts You may desperately want your chapter titles to be in an elaborate script font, with the first letter of each paragraph starting your chapter off with flair. Perhaps you’re excited about your entire eBook being typed in a creative font that echoes the story you’re telling. The problem is that fonts may turn into hieroglyphics depending on the app. Common fonts, such as Arial or Helvetica, ensure that regardless of the device or app being used, your book is legible. Forget Precision and Placement If you’re dead set on having pictures or drawings depicted in your eBook, make sure that they are properly included in the text. Forget the precision of text-wrapping, because different reading formats are likely to skew an entire page. The placement of your picture is much less important than the ability of the reader to easily process the words on the page. Keep a Template If you are going to broaden your eBook horizons by utilizing an EPUB format as well as a PDF file, keep a template for each on hand. EPUB is the most compatible for different devices, but a PDF allows you to have better control over how your eBook looks. The only downside is that you would need two documents for each eBook, which is more time consuming. It’s impossible to cater to each and every device that your eBook could be accessed from, and you’ll only waste precious writing time by trying. Keep it simple by considering your eBook as one long word document, and design your eBook to reach as many readers as possible.

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