Each EditionGuard Fulfilment Option Explained
EditionLink Fulfillment
When you choose the EditonLink fulfillment options your eBooks will be sent to the purchaser in the form of a link that will expire on a date of your choosing. Your eBook can be downloaded in ePub, MOBI or PDF format, meaning it will be compatible with all devices. EditionLink does not offer active or passive protection against piracy, but the ease of use for both seller and purchaser is a major advantage.EditionMark Fulfillment
In addition to the EditionLink expiry features, EditionMark fulfilled books will contain a visible watermark. This watermark will display personal information for the specific buyer of the eBook. This passive form of protection will deter illegal sharing, while still providing extreme compatibility across devices. EditionGuard automatically collects the personal information that is displayed in the watermark, so EditionMark fulfillment requires no additional work for you.Adobe DRM Fulfillment
The final fulfillment option is Adobe DRM protected eBooks. Adobe DRM protected eBooks can only be opened using Adobe Digital Editions software. This software limits access to only one account, make it nearly impossible for your eBooks to be illegally shared. Adobe DRM fulfillment therefore offers active protection against eBook piracy. Another benefit of Adobe DRM fulfillment is the ability to offer eBook rentals. Since readers will have to use Adobe Digital Editions, you will be able to set an expiration date for their access. This is perfect for book rentals. There are two types of Adobe DRM fulfillment available within EditionGuard:- Legacy: This protection scheme is older, but offers greater compatibility across devices that support Adobe Digital Editions (ePub and PDF files only)
- Hardened: This is Adobe’s newer protection scheme, which offers greater protection with less backwards compatibility (ePub and PDF files only)
Which eBook Fulfilment Option Is Best For You?
Now that you are familiar with each eBook fulfillment option available within EditionGuard, let’s discuss how to decide which option is right for you.Who EditionLink Is Best For
The EditionLink fulfillment option is best for those who are concerned less about protecting their eBooks from piracy and more about compatibility and ease-of-use. EditionLink is all about simplicity. Your eBook will be sent as a raw file, which gives your readers the freedom to read your book in any way they choose. Studies have shown that in most cases eBook piracy does not affect eBook sales, therefore not having active or passive protection in place may not be a big issue. One scenario in which EditionLink fulfillment isn’t a good idea is within close-knit communities, such as schools. The final reason to consider EditionLink is affordability. EditionLink fulfillment is available for all of our pricing plans, including our Nano and Micro plans, which we created to provide an affordable options for authors and businesses with only 1 or 2 books (see below):