Why Every Indie Author Needs a Facebook Author Page - EditionGuard

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Why Every Indie Author Needs a Facebook Author Page

Mitch Woodhead

December 15, 2014

We're continuing our series on social media for indie authors. Last time, we discussed the importance of GoodReads. Today, we'll discuss the Facebook Author Page. The Facebook author page is critical for indie authors for a number of reasons:
  • Readers haunt author Facebook pages
  • Facebook offers the ability to be visual
  • If you ever want to be picked up by a publishing agency, your Facebook following can make a difference
The reason you want to set up a fan page rather than use a personal profile is because the page is public, so anyone can see it (even if they’re not on Facebook). It also allows you to keep your personal profile personal, for the security of your family and the preservation of your private life. Elements you should include on your Facebook page:
  • A profile photo and cover photo
  • Details completed in the “about” section, with links to your website and other social media
  • A signup prompt for your newsletter if you have one (and you should)
  • Links to your eBooks
Also be sure to secure your shortlink username as quickly as possible. You’re a lot easier to find if you’re author page url is facebook.com/AUTHORNAME than if you’re url is Facebook.com/authorpage/123456789. Building a fan base on Facebook can take time. Be consistent in your efforts to share content. It doesn’t – and shouldn’t – be all about your eBook or buying your eBook. In fact, your Facebook author page gives you the opportunity to go beyond simply talking about just one eBook, instead talking about yourself as an author. You might share writing tips, insights into indie publishing, or information about other passions you have, such as dancing or rescue pets. Let your readers see YOU. Talk with them, answer questions, and give them a way to get to know you. Just don’t ignore them! Next up: Twitter for authors.

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