From Blogging to eBook Writing - EditionGuard

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From Blogging to eBook Writing

Mitch Woodhead

December 29, 2015

write-593333_960_720News about eBook writing is everywhere. Online eBooks are now selling more than hard copies, and authors no longer have to wait for a publisher to take interest. Self-publishing is the new norm for eBook writers, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to take advantage of this change of pace. From Blog to eBook Writing An existing blog with a strong following is the perfect place to start your eBook writing journey, and it isn’t a stretch to go from being a blogger to being a writer. It’s not a perfect transition, but if you blog regularly, you have some advantages:
  1. You already have an audience
  2. You are already disciplined at writing regularly
  3. You have developed a solid feel for your voice as an author
Steps to Transitioning to eBook Writing eBook writing is more than just combining blogs. eBook chapters are longer than a few hundred words, and you need to spend time making sure your content flows better than it might have with weekly blog posts. Writing a successful eBook takes planning on your end, but you can use the same intuition that drew you to blogging in the first place. Deciding what you actually want to write about for your eBook can be inspired by your blog or blog topics. Knowing your audience is key, and you can review past blogs to see what generated the most interest. Reach out to your readers to see what they love about you. Don’t discount your critics, because they too can contribute to the success of your eBook writing with their different viewpoints. As you’re getting started with eBook writing, don’t get discouraged. There are plenty of resources that can assist you in writing as well as self-publishing, and your blog can be a perfect place to advertise your eBook. Writing an eBook is more intensive than a blog, but a strong writer can produce an equally strong eBook.

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