Generating eBooks from Other Content - EditionGuard

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Generating eBooks from Other Content

Mitch Woodhead

November 17, 2015

Death_to_stock_communicate_hands_9If you are a blogger or a journalist, you may have the opportunity to begin generating eBooks from other content you have already created. This can give you a jump start into entering the eBook marketplace. There are several types of content from which you can create an eBook:
  • Blog content
  • Journals
  • Print articles you have published
  • Emails
  • Social media posts
Generating eBooks from Blog Posts If you've written several blog posts on a single subject, you may be able to combine those blogs into a well-formatted eBook that covers the topic. Organize the blogs into chapters or sections, and be sure to begin marketing early. MagPress is a WordPress plugin designed to make eBooks out of WordPress blogs. Generating eBooks from Journals Many would-be eBook writers are already writing; they're just doing it in journals and diaries. Converting diaries and journals into eBooks, or at least using them for inspiration, can push your authoring efforts forward. Generating eBooks from Print Articles You Have Published If you've been writing articles for magazines or newspapers to which you retain the rights, you can compile them into an eBook much like you would do with blog posts. It's simply a matter of logically organizing them by topic or chronologically. Generating eBooks from Emails Sometimes, we share our most profound thoughts with clients, friends, and family in emails and other communications. Mine your send files for communications that can be easily transformed into an eBook. Generating eBooks from Social Media Posts Another place we readily share thoughts and ideas is on social media. Curating your own social media content to create an eBook can reduce the amount of effort you must put in to complete the job. There are many sources of writing you may already be doing that you can use for generating eBooks.

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