Getting Real: The Non-Fiction eBook Memoir - EditionGuard

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Getting Real: The Non-Fiction eBook Memoir

Mitch Woodhead

February 18, 2015

As we explore additional non-fiction eBook ideas that can help you get started as an indie author, one worth exploring is the memoir. Everyone has a story to tell, and the memoir lets you tell the one story you're an expert at knowing: the story of you. There are good memoirs and bad memoirs. Good memoirs pick out the interesting pieces of life and blow up the detail. Poorly written memoirs are monotonous, chronologically-driven, detailed-to-the-point-of-boring snoozers. If you want to write a memoir that will be interesting to readers, consider:
  • Picking a moment or period in your life in which you were experiencing a specific challenge or struggle
  • Focusing on an inspirational moment in your life where you learned some key piece of life knowledge worth sharing
  • Exotic experiences, such as international travel or unique experiences you had
Think of your reader as you write. The perfect memoir is a careful balance of detail and highlight - not so much minutiae that the reader is bogged down in unecessary detail and not so many broad strokes as to leave the reader wondering what really happened. You can turn any life experience into a good memoir, even if the experience was not pleasant. It's the story of your survival, adventure, or gained knowledge that keeps people swiping to the next page. What's your story?

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