Should I Hire a Ghostwriter? Part Two: How to Choose a Ghostwriter - EditionGuard

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Should I Hire a Ghostwriter? Part Two: How to Choose a Ghostwriter

Mitch Woodhead

January 24, 2014

If you have decided to hire someone to write your eBook for you, you should consider a number of factors – and price should not be the deciding factor. Talent – The ghostwriter should have a demonstrable writing talent. While most ghostwriters work under non-disclosure agreements and will not be able to share samples of previous work written for other authors, they should have a blog, eBook or other self-published material they can share to demonstrate their ability. Compatibility – The ghostwriter you choose should be someone with whom you enjoy working and with whom you can develop an easy rapport. Availability – You should be able to reach the ghostwriter by email, Skype or phone on a regular basis, and that writer should be willing to deliver your eBook in portions, so that you can begin reviewing the work. Revisions – While no ghostwriter will offer unlimited revisions, it is common for the price to include 1-2 revisions, so that you can have some input regarding the direction of and wording in the book. Price – Ultimately, better ghostwriters and those with a proven track record will be able to charge more. Expect that you will be paying accordingly for demonstrated, professional ability. When you are choosing an eBook ghostwriter, trust your instincts. If the ghostwriter isn’t available to meet with you before you sign the contract or can’t provide writing examples that put your mind at ease, then keep looking.  Next week we’ll talk about what you should expect from the ghostwriter you choose.

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