Holiday eBooks - EditionGuard

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Holiday eBooks

Mitch Woodhead

November 10, 2015

elf-478330_640If you're an indie author who wants to capitalize on the rush of sales that should occur throughout the holiday season, you may be putting the final touches on holiday eBooks that will help you reach a new or larger audience. If you haven't started writing yet but want to cash in on holiday sales, it may not be too late. There are a number of different holiday eBooks that, with the help of a good team of collaborators (proofreader, cover designer, editor, marketer), you can have ready to sell before Black Friday empties virtually every wallet. But you'll have to work fast (and perhaps employ a few of Santa's elves to make sure you're done in time). The best ideas for holiday eBooks that can be completed quickly are: Children's eBooks. Have you had a story just swirling around in your mind that you can commit to paper? Know an illustrator who can keep pace? New holiday stories often enjoy a lot of popularity. And who knows? If you're lucky, your eBook might even get made into a movie for next Christmas! Recipe eBooks. Recipe eBooks are becoming more popular by the minute, and a holiday recipe eBook that includes your grandmother's famous pecan pie and your aunt's delicious Yorkshire pudding may just hit the spot. Poetry eBooks. Poetry for lovers, political activists, or even for kids can also be something you can pull together quickly, especially if you've secretly been scribbling poems on napkins for years and just need to organize your work. It's not to late to get an eBook out for the holiday season, but it will take dedication and effort on your part to make it happen.

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