Honest Advice for New Indie Authors - EditionGuard

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Honest Advice for New Indie Authors

Mitch Woodhead

May 17, 2016

write-593333_1920There are plenty of tips out there for writers, but what is often missing is the honest advice that new indie authors need to hear. The reality of writing is a harsh one, and during hard times, it is pure determination that will keep you going. Writing is Hard Writing is hard work. While there are plenty of great writing tips, there are no solid rules. There is so much advice out there about how and what to write, as well as how to price, sell, and market your eBook, that your head will spin. Only you can truly decide what works for your style of writing. Develop Thick Skin You’ll face more criticism as a writer than you may be prepared for initially. As your talent develops, you’ll likewise have to develop a rather thick skin. Rejection is part of an author’s world; even as a self-published indie author, you’ll experience reader rejections, poor sales, and criticism. If you are publishing what you believe in, those things ultimately won't matter. Write Stories Only You Can Tell There are many new indie authors out there, so there will always be competition. The key is to write stories only you can tell, reflecting on your personal experiences and thoughts. Your eBook must be uniquely yours to stand apart, and you may even have to chase a bit of inspiration. Pursue your writing as you would pursue any other dream, because a good story won’t simply fall into your lap. Write with Abandon You may have heard the phrase “write drunk, edit sober.” It’s essential for any writer to have the courage to write poorly and accept that the first draft will most likely seem terrible. However, that’s exactly what first drafts are for. You’re supposed to make mistakes, and you can’t perfect an image of your eBook if you don’t have at least a rough sketch from which to work. Writing with a willingness to make mistakes also allows for a better connection to your readers. Write as if you were speaking with a dear friend, and forget the elaborate phrases and pretentious wordage. Simply write – and do so with the joy that initially inspired you to become an author in the first place. There is no cut-and-dried writing method for new indie authors, but this type of honest advice will keep you grounded and working towards your end goal of a successful eBook. No one said self-publishing was easy, but you can honestly say to yourself that it’s possible.

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