How eBook Fulfillment Services Work for Customers - EditionGuard

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How eBook Fulfillment Services Work for Customers


January 12, 2021

how ebook fulfillment services work

Readers of ebooks don’t want to think about how ebook fulfilment services work; they just want to buy a book and read it. There’s something wonderful about being able to carry an entire library with you on your phone or tablet. And spending a few hundred dollars on an e-reader is not necessary for obtaining and downloading ebooks.

Today’s ebook fulfillment options almost all work through an app on a phone or tablet. Depending on the ebook fulfillment service you choose, it can be as simple as clicking a link or as complex as downloading a specific app or setting up an account for your reader to access your content.

User Experience Is Crucial in How eBook Fulfillment Services Work

While the work you do behind the scenes to write and edit well, develop an enticing cover, and market your ebook are crucial to your success, the only way you’re going to make sales is by clearly communicating how ebook fulfillment services work for your readers. That’s where your ebook fulfillment comes in. You can have the strictest or the most lenient digital rights management (DRM) applied to your ebook, but if you don’t explain how to the process works for them, you’ll lose the sale. Even with the most stringent DRM – Adobe DRM – your reader will still simply receive an email with a link to their ebook. If they are first-time Adobe users, they’ll have to set up an account. However, after that initial Adobe setup, they’ll simply need to click the link for any subsequent purchase.

Make It Easy for Your Readers to Shop

Shopping for ebooks online is no different than shopping for anything else. Clear images, concise descriptions, and honest pricing are necessary. But it’s also important to make sure your readers know what steps will happen after they buy your ebook. They don’t see the backend that you do. You will have to tell them whether they have to create an Adobe account or wait for a link to be emailed to them or if they’ll be redirected to the download.

EditionGuard Has an API for That

EditionGuard makes it easy for authors and publishers to deliver a great experience to their readers, no matter what DRM they choose. We have developed APIs for the major ecommerce platforms, including Shopify, WordPress, and Magneto.

Want to know more about ebook fulfillment for readers? Check out How it Works.

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