How to Protect Your eBook From Sharing - EditionGuard

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How to Protect Your eBook From Sharing


November 17, 2020

protect your ebook from sharing

Indie authors, don’t learn how to protect your ebook the hard way. It’s a painful lesson, one you can overcome. You must learn how to protect your ebook from sharing when you self-publish.

It is the most disheartening experience. First, you work hard to write an ebook, get it edited and proofed. Then, you have a professional cover designed. You click publish. Suddenly your ebook is available on several nefarious websites as a free, downloadable PDF. You don’t earn a dime, you can’t even tell how many people downloaded it or read it, and some unscrupulous character is using your hard work to exploit people. The only solution is to protect your ebooks from the get-go.

How to Protect Your eBook

Protecting your ebook from illegal downloads requires you to use digital rights management, or DRM, to protect it. There are several different types of DRM, but they all serve the purpose of deterring illegal downloads and theft of your ebook. Pirated ebooks cost indie authors thousands of dollars a year, so it’s a worthy investment.

Protect Your eBook from Sharing with DRM

The decision to apply DRM to your ebooks is simple: it’s DRM or theft. The toughest decision is which DRM to use. That decision will be based on what you write, who your audience is, how niche your material is (for example, will readers take extra steps to have access to your material because it’s critical to them, or will they not bother with it because there is a lot of other writers who provide the same content?), and other considerations. The more niche your content, the most stringent you can make your DRM.

EditionGuard Offers a Wide Variety of DRM Solutions

From the industry standard Adobe Content Server DRM to Readium to our own custom DRM solutions, we have a solution for every type and genre of indie author, with levels of control that let you choose a solution that is best suited to protecting your ebooks without alienating your readers. We do all this while letting you maintain control over where and how you publish, where and how you market, and what price you charge for your ebooks.

EditionGuard has been supporting indie authors for more than a decade, and we’ve seen the devastation that can occur when you don’t protect your ebook from sharing. We’re dedicated to helping indie authors be as successful as possible with solutions meant to meet their needs. You can learn more about our DRM solutions here.

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