Ignore the Doom: Make 2015 the Year to Self Publish - EditionGuard

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Ignore the Doom: Make 2015 the Year to Self Publish

Mitch Woodhead

January 12, 2015

If you’re an indie author or have the desire to be one, 2015 is the year for you. Several news articles will lead you to believe that digital growth is slowing and that paper books are making a comeback. Everywhere, the news says that indie authors will have a tough road to hoe…but when you dig into these stories, they’re simply talked about slowed sales on Amazon. They don’t mention the explosion of eBook sales predicted in South Korea in 2015 or Seth Godin’s prediction that 2015 will be a breakout year indie authors who self publish. They’re not truly looking at the self publish indie author. They’re looking at the Amazon author – and that’s an author of an altogether different story. For the indie author who is ready to publish and sell his or her own eBooks from a WordPress website, ecommerce store, or even through social media, the timing could not be better. Not only is EditionGuard rolling out several tools to help indie authors succeed this year (stay tuned) but indie authors will have more and more control over their own destinies by disenrolling from KDP Select and selling their eBooks on their own website. EditionGuard is always in the corner of the indie author. Right now, we’re offering indie authors a 30-day free trial. If you want to sell your eBooks securely from your own website, be able to accept PayPal for payments, and experience simple setup and great support, try EditionGuard today! Learn more.

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