Improve Your eBook Sales During the Holidays - EditionGuard

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Improve Your eBook Sales During the Holidays

Mitch Woodhead

November 20, 2013

More people will be shopping online during the next few weeks, hoping to avoid the madness of shopping malls and to complete their last-minute holiday shopping. You can benefit from this holiday rush and sell more of your eBooks by making a few simple changes to your marketing strategy.
  1. Offer your eBook at a discounted price. You can increase sales by offering a holiday discount on your ebook. Be sure to advertise that the price is only for a limited time.
  2. Increase your visibility. In conjunction with offering your eBook at a special holiday price, be sure to market your eBook on your website, your blog and on every social media channel you use. As well, spread the word to friends and family, who may help broaden your visibility.
  3. Participate in a giveaway. Partner with a blogger who is hosting a holiday giveaway and agree to include a free copy of your eBook as a prize, in exchange for a review of the book on his or her blog site. You can further promote your eBook by sharing an excerpt of the blogger’s review on your website, with a link back to the blog for the full review.
There are many things you can do throughout the year to help improve the visibility of your eBook, but with the holidays approaching, your ability to reach a larger online audience has never been better. Be sure to take the time to review our other eBook marketing resources: Make Millions Selling eBooks? 4 Tips to Improve Your eBook Sales 4 More Tips to Improve Your eBook Sales Edition Plugin for WordPress Makes It Easy to Sell Your eBook What do you plan to do to market your book for the holidays? Join our discussion on Facebook!

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