Improve Your eBook Visibility, Part 4 - EditionGuard

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Improve Your eBook Visibility, Part 4

Mitch Woodhead

December 27, 2013

This is the final installment in a four-part series on creating enhanced ebook visibility through a variety of easy and cost-effective measures, thereby helping you increase sales in 2014. We have been closing the year with an in-depth discussion of increasing ebook visibility. Our posts have already covered how to improve your optimization, why you need an author bio and how to create a website that boosts your sales. To wrap things up, we’re going to provide a list of the 20 things you can do to improve your ebook visibility.

Get Social

1.      Create an author page on Facebook and complete the entire profile, including links to your website and to your book. 2.      Join Twitter and choose a dedicated #hashtag that you can use with your tweets to drive interest in your ebook. 3.      Join Google+ and hold monthly author hangouts. 4.      Flesh out your profile on LinkedIn by listing your book and uploading the cover art under the publications section. 5.      Create a board on Pinterest dedicated to your ebook. 6.      Schedule daily tweets to promote your book; offer twitter followers a discount.

Make Marketing Work for You

7.      On your email, add a link on your signature line to the website for your ebook. 8.      Create an excerpt from your ebook and send it out to your mailing list. If you don’t have a mailing list, send your ebook to friends and family, and ask them to share it. 9.      Create a lead capture for your website (For instance: People who sign up for your newsletter receive a free copy of your first ebook or a short guide from you on whatever your expertise is in; perhaps they can receive  a 10-minute consult with you). 10.  Send out a monthly newsletter, collecting the most recent blog posts you’ve posted (just include a short teaser with a link back to your website). 11.  End each blog with a call to action, encouraging people to buy your book.

Put WordPress to Work for You

12.  Install All in One SEO Pack (plugin) to help you expand your visibility on your WordPress website. 13.  Install the EditionGuard plugin on your WordPress website so that you can easily sell your ebooks using PayPal. 14.  Install Akismet to help manage and filter spam. 15.  Install a social sharing plugin to make it easy for others to share your blog posts and pages via their social media outlets.

Market Your eBook the Right Way

16.  Host online “meet the author” events. 17.  Host events at your local library or bookstore, where readers can meet you – the author – in person. 18.  Offer to lend your ebook through your local library. 19.  Solicit reviews of your ebook from interested readers and fans. 20.  Cross-promote your ebook with another indie author. What would you add to this list? Don't miss our other posts in this series: Improve Your eBook Visibility, Part 1 Improve Your eBook Visibility, Part 2 Improve Your eBook Visibility, Part 3

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