Indie Author Tools: Scrivener - EditionGuard

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Indie Author Tools: Scrivener

Mitch Woodhead

September 23, 2015

win-3screensWriting an eBook is hard work, but indie author tools can definitely make it easier to stay organized, collaborate, and stay motivated. One of the most popular indie author tools available is Scrivener. Scrivener is available for both Microsoft and Mac. Scrivener is an app-based software described as "a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. While it gives you complete control of the formatting, its focus is on helping you get to the end of that awkward first draft." Scrivener is the ideal tool for indie authors, script writers, attorneys, and for students who are writing long academic papers. The makers of Scrivener also offer another app-based product called Scapple, a free-thought app that helps writers make notes about characters and plot points that can be connected with simple solid and dotted lines to help build relationships and story lines. If you have brilliant ideas for fiction stories but have a difficult time organizing your thoughts and fully developing your plot points and characters, Scrivener and Scapple may be the solutions you need to drive your idea forward. If you're interested in writing fiction eBooks but don't know where to get started, we have a fiction eBook series that should inspire you. Zombie lit Romantic fiction Crime fiction Fantasy fiction Mystery and detective fiction Vampire lit Science fiction Western fiction Inspirational fiction   Image credit

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