Why Indie Authors Need Google+ - EditionGuard

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Why Indie Authors Need Google+

Mitch Woodhead

January 7, 2015

While there are some who claim that Google failed with its social media experiment, the improvement in visibility that results from having Google+ makes it a worthy platform, even without Google authorship.

Why Do Indie Authors Need Google+?

Why do indie authors need Google+? Because Google search is critical, and Google+ quickly improves your Google search results. It’s as simple as that. If you want people to find you, a perhaps-relatively unknown indie author with a couple of eBooks for sale, then you need to have a Google+ profile and an author page, and you need to post there regularly. Google+ also is a great place to connect with readers, reviewers, and other indie authors. Not only can you add them to circles and then target posts to specific audiences, you can host and participate in hangouts. Author interviews, Q&As, and other traditional in-person promotional activities that authors accomplish can now be done via Google Hangouts from the comfort of their homes or offices. Ifbyphone goes into great detail about the benefits of Google+ for marketing, including how quickly posts are indexed (found by Google search). Google+ is definitely worth the effort. Be sure to check out the rest of our series. We cover all aspects of the seven most important social media platforms for indie authors.

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