Indie Authors Rule - EditionGuard

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Indie Authors Rule

Mitch Woodhead

September 2, 2014

Writing-An-Ebook-To-SellThere has never been more opportunity for success for indie authors than there is today. Whether you write a self help eBook, a memoir, or a work of fiction in your favorite genre, the path to publishing is easier than ever.

Indie Authors Can Skip the Agent

In the days of print publishing, it was almost necessary to engage the services of an agent to shop your book to publishers who would front the cost of printing, binding, and marketing your book. Now that digital publishing is at the forefront, you can skip paying a portion of your sales to an agent and invest that money in eBook marketing instead.

Indie Authors Can Skip the Publisher

Even better, you no longer need to wait for the stars to align in order to have your book accepted for publication. In fact, self-publishing puts you, the indie author, in the driver’s seat. You determine when, how, and where the eBook is published. You determine the price. And you keep the profits.

Celebrating Indie Authors

Edition Guard exists to provide the platform and support the indie author needs to self-publish, keep the profits, and control book rights and intellectual property. We celebrate indie authors and believe that this change will allow more stories and more creativity than ever. Try EditionGuard free for 30 days and discover our difference! Write on!

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