Instagram for Indie Authors - EditionGuard

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Instagram for Indie Authors

Mitch Woodhead

December 29, 2014

instagramInstagram is growing. And fast. The platform has more than 220 million users and generates more than 1.5 billion likes each day. There is marketing power in those numbers, and every indie author should be doing their best to leverage that power. How Should I Use Instagram as an Indie Author? You might not see the point of Instagram when you discover you are unable to share hyperlinks, but considering the growth in popularity of this platform, even if you can’t make it easy for your followers to click on a link to your website and buy your eBook, you can still connect with readers and other authors in a big way. In fact, Instagram is a great place to connect with that specific and beloved brand of reader: the blogger reviewer. Do follow as many bloggers as you can find, but don’t simply greet them with a “will you review my eBook?” See what they talk about and what genres they like. “Like” their posts and be sure you are sharing your own. Again, this is less about pushing your eBook and more about pushing your personality. If your cat climbed into the Christmas tree and you managed to get a great picture of it, share it. If you bought a great outfit to wear during an author interview, share that photo. If you saw the perfect sunrise and it made you smile, share it. It’s these authentic glimpses into your personality that will garner you a larger share of readers, fans, and uber fans. Next time, we’ll explore the other image-based platform we love: Pinterest.  

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