From falling author royalties to advice from successful authors, we bring you all the January eBook news you need to know.
Advice for eBook Authors to Keep Writing and Keep Innovating
"Regulators have to keep an eye on the bookselling monopolies, which could snuff us innovators out in the blink of an eye. Second, the book-buying public has to consciously innovate too – where and how it buys, and maybe even what it buys too. But don’t let’s blame ebooks. They may even be part of the solution."
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Advice from a Children's Author on Creating Success
"The only reason to work in this field is for the love of the craft. Having the chance to be a storyteller or an illustrator is an amazing opportunity. It's often pointed out how competitive this business is, but it really isn't. Obviously, there's tons of really great work out there but none of it is really competition. Pour your heart into your work and believe that it will succeed. And it will."
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The Growth and Effectiveness of Interactive Ebooks for Learning
Technology continues to revolutionize the way we go about our daily lives, and every generation benefits from enhanced learning experiences in their youth and beyond. Chalkboards have become smartboards, homework is accessible through online portals, and tablets have become a legitimate tool for education in the classroom. Furthermore, home learning has been significantly changed in this digital world, with resources freely available online in any conceivable format. This means that people can learn what they want, how they want, when they want.
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Author Organizations Demand Higher Royalties
Organizations that represent authors have been issuing press releases and making dramatic statements that traditionally published authors are an endangered species. The main argument is that publishers are not paying appropriate e-book revenue and this is forcing authors to write more to make ends meet or take on a second job.
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