June eBook News Around the World - EditionGuard

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June eBook News Around the World

Mitch Woodhead

June 16, 2016

ebook mrgIn our effort to support independent authors and self-publishers, we gather all the eBook news around the world that you need to know. Prepping Images for Your eBook There are two enormous differences between the image files you want to use in an ebook and ones you’re going to get printed on paper, but the most important factor is that it costs much less to have color images in your eBooks than in print. Read more. Using Color to Make Classics Easier to Read Digitally The main problem with difficult books is this: They just don’t lend themselves to the 21st century way of life. Proust’s 1.2 million words could be devoured by contemporary fans from the comfort of their art deco armchairs. Read more. Plagiarism Plagues Self-Publishing Authors don’t need publishers – and thousands of titles appear each year on websites like Amazon. But, the problems self-publishing authors face, is a lack of protection offered by traditional publishers – particularly where plagiarism is concerned. Read more. Guy Kawasaki Talks Self-Publishing Guy Kawasaki, Apple's former chief evangelist, discusses the importance of self-publishing, the future of wearables and how Apple could fit into the car market. He speaks with Bloomberg's Emily Chang on "Bloomberg West." Read more.

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