Making Your Words Matter – Sell More eBooks - EditionGuard

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Making Your Words Matter – Sell More eBooks

Mitch Woodhead

May 14, 2014

The difference between a great read and a mediocre one often comes down to word choice. When you’re writing an eBook, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, keeping the reader’s interest needs to be foremost in your mind if you want to sell more eBooks. There is just too much competition in the industry. Why settle for blah when you can offer pizzazz? Here are our tips for writing better eBooks:

Choose Active Language to Sell More eBooks

When it comes to describing action, there are two ways to do it: passively or actively. Note the difference in these two sentences: Passive [boring] - She was walking through the mall. Active [exciting] - She strolled aimlessly through shop after shop.

Choose Descriptive Language to Sell More eBooks

Consider the works of Stephen King: He often uses a paragraph to describe a turn in the road or a page to describe a single room. But those descriptions are what immerse you in the setting, what brings the scene to life. When writing, take the time to describe carefully the scene which you envision. Instead of writing the words “a bright, sunshiny day,” take a moment to describe how the sun bounces off the snow and makes it difficult to see without squinting.

Transitions Matter

Whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction, connections between thoughts and actions, chapters and paragraphs are what keep the reader engaged. If they lose your train of thought or can’t figure out how you got from one scene or idea to another, they’ll lose interest in reading. Read what you write. Edit what you write. Add detail and transitions that make it easier for readers to follow where you’re going. We’ll continue talking about writing better eBooks. Next up: the most common errors.

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