There are Many Indie Author Groups to Choose From - EditionGuard

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There are Many Indie Author Groups to Choose From

Mitch Woodhead

July 25, 2014

We have been discussing the many benefits available to indie authors who join author groups. From collaboration opportunities to the support of other authors, indie author groups can take you out of your isolated world of writing alone. The groups listed below are some of the most prominent, but we’d love to hear from you if you are aware of other author groups worth highlighting. The Independent Author Network The Independent Author Network is probably the largest author group around, and lifetime membership at the basic level is only $25. Membership values increase from there, with platinum membership costing $19.95 per month, but they offer quite a bit of ongoing promotion for your eBooks at this level. Even at the basic level, however, you get an author page, the ability to list up to six eBooks with purchase links, a bio and book excerpts. Worldwide Indie Novelists Worldwide Indie Novelist is a Yahoo group. It is open to all indie authors and provides a platform on which authors can promote their eBooks, websites and blogs. Indie authors in the group provide support and advice to each other and assist each other with promotions. World Literary Café World Literary Café is a community of authors, along with dedicated readers and reviewers, who help to promote authors. Joining is free and there are a number of resources available on the website, but there are also paid advertising services available. Celebrating Authors Celebrating Author is a Facebook page that encourages “shameless self-promotion.” When considering which groups to join, remember that it is better to choose two or three and really become an active member than to join every group out there.

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