Market your eBook the Right Way: Blogging

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Market your eBook the Right Way: Blogging

Mitch Woodhead

May 28, 2013

One of the most effective ways to market your eBook and let your readers get to know you is to have a blog. A blog is a place where you can write about your life, your eBook and your upcoming speaking engagements. It’s a place where you can let your personality show. Getting Started with Blogging If you already have a website, you should create a tab on your site for your blog so that people can find everything related to you and your eBook in one place. If you don’t have a website, you can start a blog and make that your website, by creating a home page and an about page to accompany your blog. How Often Should I Blog? The more often you blog, the more likely your page is to show up in search results. Blogs don’t have to be long, but they do need to be interesting. Share writing tips or how-tos;  give the reader glimpses into your life as an author. Always end your blogs with an invitation for the reader to try a sample of your book, and provide a link for purchasing. Blogging can help you be noticed, and it may help you land speaking engagements and book signings. In our next post, we’ll discuss the benefits of speaking as a form of marketing your eBook.

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