Marketing Your eBook on Twitter - EditionGuard

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Marketing Your eBook on Twitter

Mitch Woodhead

February 7, 2014

Twitter is one of the easiest social media platforms to master, so we’re beginning our eBook social media marketing tutorial here with a guide to marketing your eBook on Twitter.

What Is Twitter?

Twitter is a microblogging platform, in which your entire message must contain no more than 140 characters, including the link. However, if you want real traction with your tweets, you need to leave some of those characters available for retweets and quoted tweets. So, we recommend keeping your messages even shorter, around 100-120 characters.

How Do I Market My eBook on Twitter?

When it comes to marketing your eBook on Twitter, you can create a lot of buzz both before and after the eBook is published. If you don’t have a Twitter handle that is your name or the name of your book already, create an account. Follow indie authors and conduct searches on Twitter, to find other people to follow. Try to send at least four tweets per day, but do not focus on your own content and promotions alone. Be sure to share other author’s tweets, relevant quotes and great articles; comment on what others are talking about. Remember: Twitter – and all social media eBook marketing – are not just about pushing your sales but about connecting and engaging! Follow these four tips to market your eBook on Twitter:

1. Tease the content from your book, like @MarciFair did here:

“Who has time for dreams?! #workingmoms need them! Check out Mom Quiz in 'TILT-7 Solutions To Be A Guiltfree Working Mom'"

2. Offer a giveaway to celebrate the launch:

“Only 3 Days Left-Win a #free copy "TILT-7 Solutions To Be A Guilt-free Working Mom"! Over 100 tips for #workingmoms!”

3. Keep promoting the book even after it has initial success:

“No guilt...just TILT! New 5 Star reviewed book for #workingmoms by @MarciFair has over 1250 pre-sales!”

4. Use #hashtags that attract the audience you want:

@MarciFair’s  "TILT - 7 Solutions To Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom" is now available! #workingmoms #guiltfreemoms Have you had success marketing your eBook on Twitter? Do you have questions about social media marketing and your eBook that we can answer?

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