Why New Authors Need to Have a Lower eBook Price - EditionGuard

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Why New Authors Need to Have a Lower eBook Price

Mitch Woodhead

August 25, 2014

While the debate will continue about what the “right” price is for selling eBooks, one thing is certain: if you are a new author selling your first eBook, you need to be comfortable with the idea of having a lower price. The eBook market is saturated with new authors. It’s easier than ever to publish and sell an eBook, so there are only a few ways you can differentiate yourself. One way is to have a killer cover. Another is to make sure what you’ve written is well done and easy to read. But what it really comes down to if you’re a new author is having a low enough price to make readers willing to take a risk on it. $50 or $500? Would you rather sell five books for $10 each or 500 for 99 cents each? It’s a simplistic view, but the truth is, new authors can sell more eBooks if they have lower prices and they will end up making more money in the process. Your eBook Price Doesn’t Have to Be 99 Cents If you have a 400-page eBook, 99 cents might be too low of a price. If you have a 20-page novella, 99 cents might be the most you’ll ever get. In other words, it’s more than just the number of eBooks you’ve published. Readers want to feel as if they’re getting something for their money. We’ll continue to explore eBook price questions this week. Stay tuned.

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