Non-Fiction eBooks: The Academic eBook - EditionGuard

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Non-Fiction eBooks: The Academic eBook

Mitch Woodhead

February 24, 2015

As we explore the variety of options available to indie eBook authors, one form of non-fiction eBook that is quickly becoming more popular is the academic eBook. The growth in online e-learning tools for "Generation Z" is exploding, and theirs will be the first generation to be more comfortable in a digital environment. Academic eBooks open an entire world up to the indie author, because there are virtually unlimited numbers of topics one can pursue. If you're interested in academic writing, start with what you know. Did you complete a well-written thesis for your master's degree or dissertation for your PhD? Transform your own academic reesearch into an eBook on your specialty topic. Are you knowledgable in certain academic subjects because of your own studies or passions on the topic? Share your knowledge. What makes an eBook an academic eBook? The biggest difference between traditional non-fiction eBooks and academic eBooks is that academic eBooks are designed for learning. Therefore, additional elements should be incorporated into your chapters, such as summary sections, questions, and possibly, defined vocabulary sections, depending on the target age of your student and the subject matter of your academic eBook. Academic eBooks have the potential of being much more engaging than their print counterparts. To achieve this, consider adding:
  • Links to supporting sources, news articles, and videos that enhance the educational value of your topic
  • Links to offline supporting resources, such as PowerPoint presentations, lecture notes, and exercises that make the eBook attractive to educators
  • Images, graphs, and other visual resources that help educate the reader
Not everyone who wants to be an author is capable of writing fiction, but non-fiction opportunities abound. What will you write now?

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