Non-Fiction eBooks: The How-To eBook - EditionGuard

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Non-Fiction eBooks: The How-To eBook

Mitch Woodhead

February 10, 2015

We've been talking on the EditionGuard blog about the benefit of writing non-fiction eBooks for those indie authors who feel fiction is not their forte. One of the most popular forms of non-fiction eBooks – and one for which  indie authors can find it very easy to get published – is the how-to eBook. The how-to eBook does exactly what it says: It teaches the reader how to do something. That “something” can be anything from “How to Dry Flowers” to “How to Build Your Own Greenhouse.” The great thing about the how-to eBook is that everyone knows how to do something that is worth teaching to others, so you can start with something you know. From introducing a special crochet pattern to teaching belly dancing, your unique skill is valuable when shared with others who want to know how to do the same thing. If you want to publish an even more marketable how-to eBook, or if you want to write an entire series of eBooks even if they exceed your own knowledge and require research, you can select topics based on what people want to know. Using tools like Google, a variety of news websites, and even Pinterest for inspiration, you can discover what people want to know more about and tailor your eBooks to meet an existing need. Even if you’re not the best writer in the world, a how-to eBook can be a great non-fiction eBook option, because it can be written to be image driven and include embedded video demonstrations. What special knowledge do you have to share with the world?

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