Non-Traditional eBook Marketing Ideas - EditionGuard

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Non-Traditional eBook Marketing Ideas

Mitch Woodhead

September 15, 2014

We often talk about the more obvious ways in which indie authors can market their eBooks, from hosting a blog tour to launching a website to being active on social media. But there are many, many, many other less obvious avenenues you can explore to improve your eBook marketing efforts and sell more eBooks. 4 Non-Traditional eBook Marketing Ideas
  1. Determine who your ideal reader is, then go where they hang out, whether its Facebook groups, forums, book clubs, or somewhere else. Become part of the group, and don't just use the group to market your eBook (you won't be very welcome if you do) but to get to know the people. The more you understand your ideal reader, the easier it will be to hone your eBook marketing.
  2. Leverage location. Is your eBook set in a specific city or location? Contact the tourism agency for the locations in which your eBook is set and see if they will help you promote it. If you mention famous buildings, landmarks, or businesses in your eBook, they may also be willing to help.
  3. Create an "author personality" or brand. Answer questions on forums, do interviews, talk about your writing process, hold workshops online, and otherwise make yourself visible to a larger group of people.
  4. Guest blog. Bloggers are often in need of material and most are happy to allow you to include a bio at the end of the article linking to your website or buy link for the eBook. Just make sure you follow guest blogger rules:
    • Write about something their audience will want to read
    • Make it new, unique material
    • Don't try to sell your eBook in the blog
What non-traditional eBook marketing efforts have you had success with?

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