What the Numbers Are Saying - and What It Means for Indie Authors - EditionGuard

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What the Numbers Are Saying – and What It Means for Indie Authors

Mitch Woodhead

October 28, 2013

Research is showing that the Nook is failing to sell up to expectations. The Kindle is not selling as well as expected. While there is a huge spike in sales each Christmas season, from 2011 to 2012, Kindle sales fell almost 50% and Nook sales remained fairly dismal. Yet people are reading more ebooks than ever, so what gives? Whether you’re an iPad fan or prefer something that operates on an Android operating system, tablets in general are seeing phenomenal growth. Last year, tablet sales increased 121% in the second quarter. With a 75% increase in sales in the second quarter of 2013, growth is still above average, and a new iPad release will boost sales through the end of the year. What does this mean for indie authors? The opportunity is huge to market and sell ebooks, but not if you’re writing them exclusively for one platform. Now is the time to take control of your ebooks and make them accessible no matter what type of ereader your customer is using. By hosting sales on your own website rather than enter into any kind of exclusivity agreement, you can sell to anyone who wants to read your ebook, regardless of the device they’re using to do it. EditionGuard can help you manage your ebook sales more effectively. Sign up for our no-obligation 30-day trial.

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