Tools for Online Learning Success from EditionGuard

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Tools for Online Learning


March 27, 2020

online learning resources

Across the globe, schools have cancelled in-person classes and have shifted to an online education environment. Whether or not the pandemic is controlled before the next school year begins, it is likely that many school districts will recognize the value and the cost-savings of providing some of their instruction online. We may see a shift toward digital learning in the future of education, so we've rounded up these resources to help schools be successful.

Benefits of Online Learning

Having the ability to work at your own pace often allows kids to move more quickly through material. Teachers can provide more directed support to students as they need it; there are a number of tools available that support communication and collaboration between teachers and students as well as students with each other. The drawback, of course, is the need for high-speed internet, which not all students will have easy access to.

Resources for Schools, Districts, and Teachers

There are a number of resources available for school districts and teachers that we have collected here.

Albert has gathered a list of 100 resources for teachers, students, and schools, ranging from math sites to collaboration tools.

Education World has put together a list of their favorite online learning tools.

Common Sense provides a list of their top 20 edtech solutions.

Here at EditionGuard, we are doing our part to support teachers and professors, schools and higher learning institutions, many of whom are delivering education online for the first time. We provide a wide array of digital rights management (DRM) services to protect intellectual property and to facilitate the sharing and dissemination of materials online. In addition to our 30-day free trial, we also offer a 25% discount to teachers, schools, and non-profits who employ our DRM.

We are here to support you and appreciate the vast effort required to move to an online platform. Feel free to get in touch if you have questions.

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