If you’ve published an eBook, there’s quite literally no time to rest before you begin implementing sales strategies. There is nothing worse than finally publishing your eBook only to have it collect virtual dust when no sales come through. As an indie author, you’re also responsible for eBook marketing. For new or unknown indie authors, it can be difficult for your eBook to gain traction. You want readers to take a chance on what you’ve written, but how do you filter through all of the other eBooks? There are several key sales strategies you can use that may help improve your eBook visibility. The goal at this beginning stage is more about becoming known and less about garnering profits.
eBook Sales Strategy One: Give It Away
It’s difficult to know how your audience will respond to your eBook if nobody is buying it, so a great way to measure potential success is to offer your eBook at no cost for a limited time. A free eBook generates interest, because the reader has nothing to lose. Send your eBook to some close friends, encourage them to pass it forward, and keep an eye on the momentum.
eBook Sales Strategy Two: 99 Cents Is Better than Free
A free eBook will help you reach many readers, but bargain shoppers will also be willing to try an eBook from an unknown author if it’s priced right. A great sales strategy can be to offer your eBook for a limited time at 99 cents. Be up front with potential readers and let them know you’re really interested in feedback and reviews, and that you would appreciate them taking the time to review the eBook after reading it.
eBook Sales Strategy Three: Word of Mouth Works Best
Whether you sell your eBook or give it away, what you really need is for others to begin talking about your eBook. There are many ways you can increase visibility and get people talking about your eBook, including
cover reveal parties,
blog tours,
reviews of your eBook on blogs and websites, and paid advertising.
Selling an eBook as an indie author can be a challenge, but these sales strategies can help you have a better launch.