Sell your eBooks using Wordpress, with DRM!

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Sell your eBooks using WordPress, with DRM!

Mitch Woodhead

September 20, 2012

We're proud to announce the release of our Wordpress eBook sales plugin with DRM support! It allows you to sell eBooks with EditionGuard eBook DRM protection right on your Wordpress blog! At the moment, you can accept payments via Paypal or Moneybookers. Obviously, the eBooks are DRM protected through full integration with our EditionGuard service. You can manage everything without ever leaving your Wordpress admin UI! Best of all, the plugin is completely free and open sourced. So you can download, install and modify it as much as you like. You can find the plugin on the site, by  clicking here. Why have we done this? Well, there are multiple reasons:
  • We wish to give bloggers the ability to DRM enable and sell their eBooks easily
  • Many companies might find this solution adequate for their requirements
  • To provide the community with an implementation of our service
  • We are always striving to support the most popular web technology platforms out there, so everyone can use our service
Just to name a few, of course! You can use your EditionGuard trial account with this plugin. Simply sign up for a service plan to activate your trial. Your first 15 days of eBook DRM usage is completely free, and you can activate a real subscription anytime you wish. Below are a few screenshots of the plugin, showing the integration of our eBook DRM service and Wordpress. I truly recommend you to simply download and install the plugin to get a real feel for it though! [gallery] It is our imperative to continue developing this Wordpress plugin, the same way we've committed to developing eBook DRM for one of the most popular eCommerce platforms, namely Magento. Click here to read about our Magento extension if you wish to learn more. We also have many other platforms in the pipeline, including BigCommerce, Shopify and Volusion. So make sure you stay tuned!

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