Sell eBooks on WordPress with the EditionGuard PlugIn - EditionGuard

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Sell eBooks on WordPress with the EditionGuard PlugIn

Mitch Woodhead

October 29, 2014

Our goal at EditionGuard is to empower indie authors and level the playing field so that anyone who has the passion to write eBooks can sell eBooks. Digital publishing has allowed many authors to avoid the frustration and time-consuming, costly hoop-jumping that comes with obtaining an agent and waiting for a publisher to approve of your writing. While we still urge all writers to produce the highest quality, using editors and proofreaders, cover designers, and formatters as needed, there is no reason why you can’t publish every eBook you write. Our Wordpress eBook sales plugin with DRM support (with full integration of EditionGuard services) allows you to sell eBooks with EditionGuard eBook DRM protection right on your Wordpress blog. You can even accept payments via Paypal, removing the headache of secure payment processing. This free, open source WordPress plugin from EditionGuard allows you to manage eBook sales without ever leaving your Wordpress admin. You can download, install and modify the plugin as much as you like. You can find the plugin on the site, by clicking here. We invite you to use EditionGuard with this plugin by signing up for a free, 30-day trial account.

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