September eBook News from Around the World - EditionGuard

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September eBook News from Around the World

Mitch Woodhead

September 15, 2015

ebook mrgFrom writing to publishing, we bring you all the eBook news you need to know. 7 Novelists Who Only Published One Novel When it was announced earlier this year that Harper Lee was to release a new novel, Go Set A Watchman, in July 2015, her readers and fans were quite rightly astonished. For fifty-five years, since the publication of To Kill A Mockingbird in 1960, Lee had remained one of the most famous names on a noticeably select list of best-selling authors whose reputation and enduring popularity rested on a single novel. But with Go Set A Watchman now selling by the million - and dividing critics and readers alike, many of whom still question whether it should have been published at all - who does Lee leave behind her on a list of literary one-hit-wonders? Read more. A Manifesto for eBooks on Art “’Tis the good reader,” Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “that makes the good book.” As an author of six books, I’d add: a good book requires a good writer. Plus—what Emerson couldn’t imagine—a good book requires a good software engineer. This is especially true for art books, usually expensive, weighty tomes displayed on coffee tables by elite connoisseurs. With the populist vibe of ebooks on art, you not only lose the weight and high price of print, but you also expand the book’s reach to a wider audience. Read more. International Read an eBook Day Set for September 18 Read an eBook Day is a celebration of modern storytelling. Readers around the world are encouraged to take part in the largest digital reading event by choosing from millions of free eBooks from their local library. Read more. Transform Your Entire Blog Into an eBook in 90 Seconds If done right, blogs can be beautiful ways to display text and photos. In fact, many are so presentable that they’re only steps from the aesthetics of a professionally bound book. Creating a book out of a blog, however, is a task that has always been tedious. A new plug-in for WordPress is now changing that. A UK startup called Beacon has developed an extension that can automatically turn an entire blog into a beautifully branded eBook in only 90 seconds. Read more.  

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