Before you even publish your eBook, you can send advanced review copies (ARCs) to people to review. Not only will these people provide you with excellent feedback that can help you improve your eBook, but these reviews can actually help you sell more eBooks.
Take a Risk
Editorial reviews or advanced reviews are reviews that you can advertise on your website. Don't be afraid to reach out to authors you admire who write in your genre to ask them for a review or endorsement, but also reach out to established bloggers and other professionals who might be interested in reading and reviewing your eBook. Go for the longshot - the worst someone can do is say no.
The Benefit of Editorial Reviews
Because buyers rely heavily on reviews and word of mouth recommendations, having editorial reviews on your website to promote your eBook can make others feel safer about taking a chance on it, especially if you are a new author. If you're not sure where to start or how to obtain reviews, you can hire someone to help you promote your book through social media, book and blog tours, and reviews.
If you are an EditionGuard client, you can also reach out to us for a review of a published or upcoming title. EditionGuard reviews books and promotes them through our blog and social media at no additional cost to our clients.