Spring Cleaning for the Indie Author - EditionGuard

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Spring Cleaning for the Indie Author

Mitch Woodhead

April 7, 2016

putz-bucket-1290940_1920Spring is here, and with it, the need for spring cleaning. If you've collected clutter during the winter months, this is a great time to clean house - and it's a great time to spruce up your writing, too. Rejuvenate your writing skills, ideas, and space, to ensure success in your writing endeavors. Spring Cleaning the Indie Author Writing Space If you haven’t kept up with the stacks of papers on your desk, then organize your space. Ideas and notes that are still pertinent can be filed away neatly. If there are notes that you haven’t looked at for several months, perhaps you no longer need them. Consider your electronic space as well. If you’ve been holding on to research articles or unfinished blogs since 2010 that still have no pertinence to your writing, you can probably clear them out as well. Review Your Current Projects You may be working on more than one eBook, or juggling several blogs. Take some time to think about where you can best utilize your time. What is the most productive use of your talent? Do you have one blog that has started gaining readers while another is stagnating? Do you have a forgotten eBook project that you are suddenly motivated to invest your time in? Rearrange your writing schedule so that the most important and successful projects are at the top of the list. Reevaluate Long-Term Goals Another essential step for spring cleaning as an indie author is in clearing your mind as well. Every now and again, it’s a good idea to remind yourself why you’re writing. Ask yourself what the purpose of your writing is, and make sure it aligns with the long-term goals that you previously set. Goals change over time, and reevaluating what motivates you can help you prioritize for the future. This keeps both you and your writing refreshed, and renews your dedication to writing in general. Spring is the perfect time to get a new outlook on your writing. By getting rid of the clutter - in your mind and in your house - you are that much closer to completing your eBook goals, with a fresh perspective that will enhance your writing.  

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