What Do the Most Successful Indie Authors Do to Succeed? - EditionGuard

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What Do the Most Successful Indie Authors Do to Succeed?

Mitch Woodhead

June 4, 2014

If you talk to any writer who is selling well, you’ll discover that they have followed a recipe of sorts that has contributed to their success. We’ve talked to hundreds of indie authors, and what we’ve found is that three core principles successful writers adhere to, no matter what.

Successful Indie Authors Write Every Day

The most successful indie authors treat writing as if it was there job, even if they have another job they have to tend to in order to pay the bills. In fact, the most successful indie authors carve out a set time in their schedule every single day to write. More than that, they set regular goals for accomplishing certain tasks, such as completing an outline or completing a certain number of pages per day or chapters per week. To be a successful indie author, set goals and write every day.

Successful Indie Authors Have Trusted Editors to Help Them Write Well

The tighter the eBook, the more cohesive the story line; the more compelling the characters, the more readers you will have. But you can’t stare at a manuscript day in and day out and not start seeing more than what is there or become blind to the flaws in your manuscript. Having fresh eyes and critical readers who are willing to challenge your plot lines and your characters until they are finely honed can be invaluable to the success of your eBook and your success as a writer.

 Successful Indie Authors Hire Marketing Help

Successful indie authors focus on writing eBooks, not marketing. They hire people to help them market and promote their eBooks. The most successful indie authors publish one eBook so that they can start on the next and stay focused on the writing, allowing the skilled people they surround themselves with to do their part to help. If they are hungry enough for success, they eventually find that they not need their regular jobs.

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