The Future of eBooks - EditionGuard

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The Future of eBooks

Mitch Woodhead

March 12, 2015

The future of eBooks is often debated, and there will always be those who prefer print books. But no matter how popular the print book remains over time, technology, convenience and the draw of immediate gratification will continue to ensure a place for eBooks in the publishing industry. Here at EditionGuard, we get excited thinking about growth in the eBook industry, because it is only here that the playing field is truly leveled so that small and independent publishers can compete cost-effectively with big media and publishing houses. EditionGuard is thrilled to play a role in the future of eBooks by providing access to digital rights management (DRM) for small and independent publishers, by supporting indie authors, and by continuing to develop new and exciting tools, technologies, and services to enhance the experience for writers, readers, and publishers. We believe the future of eBooks is bright, indeed. Because we believe our solutions offer small and independent publishers the ability to compete so well among the "big guys," we gladly invite you to try a month of service with us for free - no credit card required. Whether you are an indie author wanting to stop giving away 20-50% or more of your profits or you are a publisher representing multiple authors and looking for a security and selling solution that lets you compete effectively, EditionGuard can help you set up your own online bookstore powered by Adobe Content Server - the exact same DRM system used by industry giants, and the only DRM trusted by major publishers. Learn more.

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